What are the major IT data challenges currently facing enterprises and governments?  

In episode #62 of The Tech That Connects Us, we were excited to be joined by Hash Basu-Choudhuri. He is the current GM at Cribl, and has held advisory and senior roles across the world, mostly in the EMEA region. 

We touched on his career so far, as well as specific topics around data challenges, crypto, and D&I.  

We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did recording it. 

What would you say are the major IT data challenges currently facing enterprises and government? 

“Just complexity, look at the rate of change, I think if you look at the rate of change from 2000, it was not that high. Things weren’t being innovated at the rate they’re being innovated today.  

The problem today is that every three years there’s a new cycle riding. You had the mobile cycle, the cloud cycle, now you have the container cycle. And now, we’re moving into completely trustless environments using blockchain technology.  

Airbnb disrupted travel, and not even seven years later, Airbnb is probably going to get disrupted by blockchain! I think the biggest challenge is that.” 

How has the UAE handled COVID differently to other parts of the world? 

“This is a great question. So, this has literally been a business case study in probably how to do it right. The UAE has looked at the impact, looked at the facts, looked at the science, and been ahead of the game.  

I deal a lot with Emirates Airlines and Dubai airports. I would say 70 to 80% of the world’s vaccines fly through Dubai, because they’re manufactured in India. This is their distribution hub. And then from here, Emirates Airlines repurposed god knows how many planes into vaccine carriers. And then from here, they’re distributed globally. So, they’ve got the distribution for the world sorted.” 

What novel cybersecurity challenges does the growth of cryptocurrency prevent present? 

“When you’re talking about cryptocurrency, it gives you immense power, you do not have to trust the third party, there is no centralised system. But the problem with security from a blockchain perspective is that you are responsible for your keys, for your wallet, for your assets right now.  

Sounds simple, but how do you secure it? You just have to be very, very careful with the way you manage such assets. There are a couple of tech players out there that are trying to solve it with escrow accounts, and the ability to have extensive multi-party certificates.” 

What is your assessment of how well tech industries are tackling diversity? 

“So for me, obviously, you know, I fall into that category. But for me, it’s not about this, It’s about the diversity of thought. My background is not going to be exactly the same as your background.  

But, if you can attract talent and have multiple different mindsets, it’s good for business. Look at your target audience, which is the world, right? If you want mass adoption, it’s everyone. So, you kind of have to mirror that. And you can’t mirror it if you don’t have a diversity of thought.  

I think a lot of these companies are leading with just hard metrics. And it’s like a sales process, right? You can do metrics one, two, and three, and you don’t do anything at the end of that, right? When really, it’s the way you interpret that data. It’s the way you apply it. And it’s really what you do with it once you have met those targets.  

I think a lot of companies are just laser-focused on “we need to have this many Asians this many, you know, blah, blah, blah” right. And I don’t particularly like the topic because I think it’s an over-rotation, it should always be merit-focused. And it should always be diversity of thought that you get from it over anything else.” 

You can listen to the full episode here.

Every Wednesday we sit down with some of the biggest names in our industry, we dedicate our podcast to the stories of leaders in the technologies industries that bring us closer together. Follow the link here to see some of our latest episodes and don’t forget to subscribe.     

Cyber Security Key Trends. neuco’s annual 2022 key trends report.

What’s in store for the Cyber Security industry?

2022, where’s it going to go, what does it have in store?

We’ve collated key trends from some of the influential figures across the 4 sectors we recruit into – Cyber Security, Connectivity, Content & Media and Satellite & NewSpace.

We’ve spoken to experts from companies such as Sky, Orbit Fab, Casa Systems, and A5G Networks.

If you want to find out what we think will be the key trends for cyber security this year, then just click the link below to download now!

Click here to download now.

What does the threat landscape look like right now for OT?

Joining us for episode 50 of The Tech That Connects Us was David Brown Vice President and General Manager, International Sales – ZeroFOX. We heard his insights on the OT domain – where he’s headed up both IPOs and acquisitions, what really keeps CISOs up at night, alternative models for industry events, how to recognise the potential in new hires and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

One question Jake Sparkes and John Clifton put to David was ‘What does the threat landscape look like right now for OT?’ Here’s what he had to say.

“There’s no doubt that there are more types of attacks now on OT. We’re seeing ransomware popping up a lot more commonly, or at least we’re hearing about that more now. 

One of the interesting bits about OT is actually when you look at the infrastructure it’s built on. I’d still say that Windows NT and XP are probably the most prevalent operating systems in an OT environment around the world. 

So what does that mean? It means that there’s a tonne of exploits available straight off the internet, you don’t need to be that smart. But if you work up through the levels of sophistication and if we’re talking about large organisations they’ve got quite a sophisticated security posture. 

The two things that I think are really interesting at the moment in that space is the consolidation of the technology to see what’s going on in your OT network. Because if you are a CESO or an information security director then you’ve got more flashing lights than you know what to do with. You may also have an ageing workforce without the domain expertise to understand what’s going on. 

So I think there’s going to be a bigger drive for how do you consolidate all that stuff into a single pane of glass, there’ll be a drive to provide either AI or a managed service that provides recommended actions and remedial work for the top three to five actions that the organisation needs to be focused on. And those actions will be evidenced by what’s going on outside in the rest of the world. 

The second thing that’s of interest at the moment is risk. So you’re seeing now there are new bills going through in the US, and CESOs are looking at what’s the risk across all of my platforms IT and OT. A drive for this is that it’s not been so easy to understand what’s going on with OT, because you’ve had all these flashing lights and an unconnected system, with a lot of tech but it’s just not connected.  

The reason they want to know what their risk is because there’s also a developing insurance market where a number of insurers are getting together and looking at how they can take IT and OT cyber risk and turn that into a sellable product. When we look at the potential of that market it’s probably 30-40 times the size of the complete OT market. What I can see we will get to in the next 2-3 years is a similar system to the black boxes currently being used by vehicle insurers, so you’ll have a premium and it will vary depending on your attitude to risk and your controls that are in place across the whole estate. That then allows organisations to make an economic decision because you might say I will stand the increase in premium which justifies me doing these things across my plant. 

This then becomes a very much return on investment decision. It’s not about fear, uncertainty and doubt it’s actually about economic imperative.” 

Every Wednesday we sit down with some of the biggest names in our industry, we dedicate our podcast to the stories of leaders in the technologies industries that bring us closer together. Follow the link here to see some of our latest episodes and don’t forget to subscribe.     

Is the Cyber Security industry getting cloud security wrong?

Joining us on episode 47 of The Tech That Connects Us was Trish Cagliostro Head of Worldwide Alliances at Wiz. Trish joined Laurie Scott and Andrew Ball. They only scratched the surface in a conversation that spanned Cloud Security, threat intelligence, the partner landscape, Cyber’s diversity challenge, the joys of softball and much more!

Trish is a thought leader in the cyber security industry, so whilst we had her on the podcast we needed to find out if the industry was getting cloud security wrong as is mentioned by commentators in the industry. Here’s what Trish had to say. 

“Cloud security is hard. It’s hard and it’s a little bit different from what the rest of the industry says. Cloud security isn’t so much of a problem for the born in the cloud companies, such as Netflix, they’re fine. Where this does become an issue is when a traditional enterprise goes to the cloud. Organisations go to the cloud for innovation, the costs savings are nice, but it’s the elasticity and the ability to endlessly expand and instantly expand globally that is powerful. 

However, the way these traditional organisations go to the cloud typically looks like this. They look at their applications on-premise, they go with what’s easy and upload some VMs into the cloud and expect to take their on-premise security structure with them. 6 months then go by, and the customer is thinking that they can’t innovate and they aren’t saving much money. So they want to look at what they can do differently from here. They’ll then start to refactor some of their applications, containerise, embrace some more modern application architecture, replatform and kick the Oracle legacy databases to the curb. 

Now the organisation will have a stopping point on their cloud adoption, they have their legacy on-premise tools supporting the legacy workloads. So now they need to go out and use some cloud-native services as all the cloud providers have cloud-native services. But they’ll have some very different types of computing that are very different in the cloud than they are on-premise. Then there’s the idea of a managed service which comes with the complication of the shared responsibility model. So at this point, the company will be looking at different tools from different vendors for niche cloud security. This is where the breach happens, all of a sudden, there are three separate data silos, the traditional on-premise tools, the cloud-native services from the cloud providers and the new types of security tools that were brought in to deal with the new types of cloud computing. 

So now these organisations still can’t innovate, they’re probably spending just as much money as they were in the first place, Then the cloud provider comes in and says ‘let me tell you about serverless’. The whole model is then broken. So in this instance, I don’t think it’s fair to blame the cyber security industry. It’s a shared responsibility between the industry and the customers as well, to think differently about security in the cloud. 

I meet with partners all the time, and they’ll say to me ‘Okay got it, it’s the same way we dealt with data centre security. But you can’t think that way. You have to think of a customer and the entire cloud journey they’re going on, and then understand how to build a security strategy that supports them across that. 

The other part of this is beyond just helping them with the security strategy and explaining that the customer will need to have an unusually long term vision with this and that we need to be transparent, understanding and really dig into what we’re doing in the cloud. A lot of time to the customers it’s not obvious, they’re normally using a managed service and think they’re good. You need to have a clear understanding of what your responsibilities are as a vendor, then make sure you have the controls and mitigation in place to account for what’s really important.  

I really do think that when we think about this we can’t just think about it in phases, we have to think about it holistically through the journey. 

Every Wednesday we sit down with some of the biggest names in our industry, we dedicate our podcast to the stories of leaders in the technologies industries that bring us closer together. Follow the link here to see some of our latest episodes and don’t forget to subscribe.     

What are the Emerging Marketing Trends Within Cyber?

On episode 42 of The Tech That Connects Us John Clifton and Jake Sparkes were joined by global Cyber marketing expert Reuben Braham

In the episode, we heard Reubens thoughts on the marketing trends that are emerging in the cyber industry. 

“Anything that we talk about regarding marketing trends, is actually a bit different to what we’d be talking about 18 or 19 months ago before we had the COVID 19 pandemic. 

Before the pandemic, it was different because we could travel and meet people face to face and be present. What I’m seeing now is that the world is ready for a more hybrid model of business, so our marketing needs need to focus on gearing up and being part of the virtual events and conversations, we’re having over Zoom right now. It’s something that is now more acceptable even for business meetings with CEOs, CMOs etc. So, we have to be ready for a hybrid business model.  

On the other side, we need to understand that people are going to be hit with a lot of virtual requests and that ‘Zoom fatique’ is real. All the different vendors and suppliers will want to have virtual briefings which will start to take its toll on our customers. 

The best strategies I’m seeing currently are around creating thought leadership content that can be circulated to your target audience, companies need to be building more blogs, building more thought leadership content and educating your market. 

When you’re building content you should be focusing on your perfect customers, understanding their pain points and doing your best to help them by being consultative with your approach. 

As a marketing department, you must be doing targeted research, and then use an account-based marketing approach, not just a shotgun approach trying to hit everybody. If you can build a library of very good content that can educate your audience and continue to educate them then that’s something that will have a massive impact on your business. 

In my first 6 months at Cyberint, our first task has been to build up our content library, I really believe that creating great engaging content will work wonders for not only engaging with your current and potential clients, but it’ll really help with our website SEO. Once you’ve built up that library of content potential customers will understand that you’re a player in the marketing, and they’ll start to differentiate your business from the competition.  

Virtual meetings and virtual events are starting to have their toll on people, and people would rather consume content at their leisure rather than at a set time. 

There’s also a lot to be said too for building out good automation and allowing 70-80% of your customers journey to be done through marketing automation. The more content you can give your potential client the more they’ll know about you and the more they’ll see you as the business to work with over your competition.” 

Every Wednesday we sit down with some of the biggest names in our industry, we dedicate our podcast to the stories of leaders in the technologies industries that bring us closer together. Follow the link here to see some of our latest episodes and don’t forget to subscribe.     

UNICORN-UCOPIA. – $1bn Cyber Valuations we’ve seen this year

Investors have been chomping at the bit so far in 2021, creating a record-breaking* 12 galloping Unicorns to fight global cyber criminals.

Most recently, the end of April saw Vectra AI join the club, winning $130M in their latest funding round and a valuation of $1.2B.

In other news, UK stallion Darktrace went public, after a very thorough examination of its dental records.

*“A record was set in the first quarter of 2021, with 12 cybersecurity unicorns created globally, which is more than double the previous quarterly ” PitchBook (Private market data provider)

Vectra gains $130M funding and $1.2B valuation

Vectra AI, a cyber security, threat detection and response firm has announced an additional $130m round of funding.

Darktrace shares jump 32% in IPO

Cambridge-based cyber security company Darktrace and its backers raise £165m in London debut.

A unicorn on steroids

Wiz raises $130 million series B to reach $1.7 billion valuation a year after its launch

Aqua Security hits unicorn valuation after completing $135 million series E

The Israeli cybersecurity company has stayed ahead of the cloud revolution, refuses to be sold and has it eyes on some acquisitions of its own.

Orca Security raises $210 million, becomes ‘unicorn’ with $1.2 billion valuation

Google’s growth fund leads investment in the Tel Aviv-based cybersecurity firm set up 2 years ago by former execs of Check Point Software Technologies.

New unicorn Axonius raises $100M to expand its cybersecurity asset management platform

Cybersecurity asset management startup Axonius Inc. today revealed it has raised $100 million in new funding on a unicorn valuation of above $1 billion.

Automation for the people

Snyk raises $150 million at $1 billion valuation for AI that protects open source code.

Lacework Banks $525 Million as Cloud Security Market Heats Up

Lacework, a five-year-old cybersecurity company that automates security across enterprise cloud deployments, has reached unicorn status with the closing of a $525 million round of Series D financing.

These latest additions mean that there are now 31 Cyber Security Unicorns due to go public.

So what’s behind these huge valuations, is it set to continue – and what does it mean for the Cyber market in general?

Rather than dampen cyber spending, the rapid digitalisation caused by the pandemic has revealed worrying gaps in IT Infrastructure – further exposed by the accelerated move to Cloud and home working.

And it’s this exponential growth in demand that is causing investors to feel bullish and make sure they are on the right side of these major technological shifts.

Cyber is a huge growing market with healthy competition and – so far –  few monopolies to keep a lid on sky-high valuations, so the trend certainly seems set to continue.