Cyber security impacts everyone from private individuals to multinational firms. On Episode 46 of The Cyber Security Matters Podcast we spoke with Oliver Pinson-Roxburgh, the Co-Founder and CEO of, about the biggest cyber security threats of today. Oliver is regularly quoted in prestigious press publications, and has been interviewed on the BBC World Service as a subject matter expert in cyber security. During the podcast, we asked him for his perspectives on the World Economic Forum’s Global Cyber Outlook report and what its findings mean for the cyber security sector. Here are his insights:
“I think they’ve just genuinely looked at the industry and gone, ‘There’s some problems here, but there’s some there’s some light at the end of the tunnel’. The ultimate goal of the report seems to have been just to highlight those areas that all of us in the industry knew were a big issue, and put some stats around it.
One of the key takeaways which is really interesting, is they found that there’s a big difference between how good cyber security is in enterprise organizations versus everybody else. That’s true to the point that a statistic within the report said there is a 31% decline in the baseline of cyber resilience in SMEs. That’s a significant decline.
Now that might seem like we’ve found a report that aligns with what is doing, but the data is there to back it up. When you go and speak to people or look at the statistics around these reports, you’ll see that SMEs don’t have the same amount of budget for talent. Businesses are saying, ‘I don’t have the expertise in my team, and I don’t think I can even hire people because we don’t have the budget’.
Is this an issue with education? It doesn’t matter if you want to get into cyber security or not, having some sort of cyber security awareness would stand you in good stead going into any business because companies are crying out for those skills. If you can promote cyber security as something that you care about and you’re interested in evolving within a business, even if you don’t want that to be your job, that would be amazing for your career because it is such a big target. Anybody who has that background knowledge would be worth their weight in gold.
People assume that everybody in their business is a cyber security expert and won’t fall for a phishing attack. That’s not true. You’ve got people in every business who are not naturally cyber security savvy and haven’t spent years researching security. We’ve done phishing tests on our own team and we caught people who are pen testers and consultants. That just shows that everybody can get caught.
The report highlighted these crazy statistics, like only 15% of organizations are optimistic about cyber security skills and education significantly improving in the next two years. That’s scary, isn’t it? It’s worrying to think that most organizations don’t think we’re going to get any better at cybersecurity. It puts into question some of the things we provide ourselves, like cybersecurity training, phishing awareness, etc. Are they working? Are people investing in those things? Again, it goes back to a lack of skills and lack of resources. 52% of organisations think they lack the right skills or resources, and that’s their biggest challenge in designing their own cybersecurity strategy.
This might sound almost like a plug for recruitment in cyber security, but this is just what the report is saying. There are hacks every week. I know some parties think it’s probably because SMEs think attackers won’t target them, but phishers are so opportunistic that they’ll target anyone. They’re just hitting the internet. We did some statistics on this a few years ago, and we put a machine on the internet, and within 32 milliseconds, it had been scanned by something. If you make a mistake and expose something that’s unpatched just by clicking the wrong button, which is really easy to do these days, you could put it on the internet almost immediately. If that gets hacked, your whole company go down.
Everybody should read the report. It sounds a bit nerdy, but there are some amazing statistics in there, and it shines a light on the fact that there’s a real need for businesses of all sizes to really think about security differently.”
To hear more from Oliver, tune into Episode 46 of The Cyber Security Matters Podcast here.
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